Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween Everybody!

I tried to think of something spooky to share with you on Halloween, and this is the best that I could come up with.  So, gather around the campfire kiddies...

Shrine for a Martyr
The Above shrine is located near where I live.  It is dedicated to a martyr who died fighting the British in the early 1900's.  This is one of two shrines that I have seen near where I live.  The guy who led the fight against the British back then was this guy, King Amanullah Kahn (he has his own much nicer shrine in another city):

So apparently I am living where a bunch of people were killed about a hundred years ago in the third Anglo-Afghan War.  I'm not sure what the fabric pillar with the metal thing on top is, but it is interesting to see this every day, it kind of sticks out: 

The actual shrine
 Afghanistan has some interesting history, of which this is just a small bit.  Part of me would love to get out and see some things, but it is just not possible. 

Happy Halloween everybody!


  1. It sounds even spookier if you say that you live on top of an "ancient Afghan burial ground".

  2. Seems like much of Afghanistan must be martyr sites, the last photo looks even more spooky when you see the "containers" in the background.

  3. There seems to be a Wrath of Kahn reference missing from this posting... I'm come on. Something like:

    Kahn Quote:[quoting from Melville's Moby Dick] To the last, I will grapple with thee... from Hell's heart, I stab at thee! For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee!

  4. Posted too soon... should say, "I mean come on. Something like:"
