Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cadillac Man

Merry Christmas and Happy Solstice everybody!

It has been a while since my last post, but I have exciting news.  I am now a cadillac man.  I guess I should explain.  In our barracks we are assigned to 3 man rooms.  There is a bunk bed and one single bed in the back.  The area in the back with the single bed is much more private, almost like a little studio apartment.  We affectionately call the single bed in the back 'the cadillac.'  It is a highly desirable piece of property, and some people go their whole tour without ever setting foot in the cadillac.  Yesterday my roommate moved out, and I moved from the bunk bed into the cadillac - about 80 square feet all to myself (that's 8 x 10 for my spatially/math challenged friends).  Because the cadillac usually goes to the person who has been here the longest, it usually has the nicest stuff.  The mattress is more comfortable and pretty new, there is a lot more storage, the wardrobe is much nicer and bigger, and there is even a small desk. Some people might say that it is unfair or selfish for one person to have more, but if you figure that our room is the size and shape of a shipping container (it actually is a shipping container converted into a room), it makes sense how it is set up. 

In other news, Christmas is upon us.  We have decorations up at work, and more candy and treats than we know what to do with.  It has been ridiculously cold the last few days, but I guess I'll have to get used to that. Kabul has some of the worst air quality in the world.  Stepping outside is like putting your face up to the back of a car's exhaust pipe.  When I blow my nose, it comes out gray. Afghans will burn anything and everything to keep warm, making the air even worse than normal in winter. 

Last time I talked about 'Mo'vember.  Here is the end result:
(don't worry, I shaved it off)
And one last thing, I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has sent a letter, or a package, or an email, or a facebook post, etc., it is much appreciated. 

Enjoy the holidays!